Last time, I made similar one in Dec(another diary) →Finally!.
Today I was trying again.
I tried 1mm hook.
Watiching photo and trying crocheting doily.
So, today, atlast I finished!
I hope this my memo help you 😉
I draw same colour.
I’m sorry I dont know how to explain in US style, but I tried.
If you don’t know how to see chart, please try to understand these :P↓
At first in magic ring, starting 7sc.
R2, dc2 in sc1 on magic ring.(blue)
R3, ch3+ch10=ch13, dc,dc, ch10,dc,dc…(gray)
R4, same as R3(blue)
R5, ch3+ch10=ch13, 2dc in 1 on R4 *2(you made dc4 now), ch10 ,2dc…(gray)
R6, ch3+ch10=ch13, dc,dc,2dc in 1on R5, dc (anyway please make dc5 now), ch10 ,2dc…(green)
R7, ch3+ch10=ch13, dc,dc,2dc in 1on R6, dc,dc(anyway please make dc6 now), ch10 ,2dc…(gray)
Now you know, Just added 1dc between ch10(or ch11).
I changed chain 10 to 11, but maybe you don’t have to change.
Thanks for Ms Olga, she let me know her pattern!
If doesn’t work my pattern, please try this:
In Blue
1. Magic Ring, 7 sc
2. Ch3in first dc, dc in same stitch, 2dc in next 13 stitches (14)
3. Ch3,*ch10, dc in next 2 sts,* repeat 6 times, ch 10, dc in last stitch, sl st to top of ch3
4. same as R3
5. Ch3,*ch10, dc in next 2 sts, 2dc, * repeat 6 times, ch 10, dc in last stitch, sl st to top of ch3
6. Ch3,*ch10, dc in next 2 sts, 2dc, dc, * repeat 6 times, ch 10, dc in last stitch,
sl st to top of ch3
7. Ch3,*ch10, dc in next 2 sts, 2dc, dc in next 2 sts, * repeat 6 times, ch 10, dc in
last stitch, sl st to top of ch3
8. Ch3, *ch10, dc in next 3 sts, 2dc, dc in next 2 sts, * repeat 6 times, ch 10, dc in last stitch,
sl st to top of ch3
9. Ch3,*ch10, dc in next 3 sts, 2dc, dc in next 3 sts, * repeat 6 times, ch 10, dc in
last stitch, sl st to top of ch3
10. Ch3,*ch10, dc in next 4 sts, 2dc, dc in next 3 sts, * repeat 6 times, ch 10, dc in
last stitch, sl st to top of ch3
11. Ch3,*ch10, dc in next 4 sts, 2dc, dc in next 3 sts, * repeat 6 times, ch 10, dc in
last stitch, sl st to top of ch3
12. Ch3, *ch10, dc in next 4 sts, 2dc, dc in next 4 sts, * repeat 6times,
ch 10, dc in last stitch, sl st to top of ch3
13. Ch3 *ch10, dc in next 5 sts, 2dc, dc in next 4 sts, * repeat 6times,
ch 10, dc in last stitch, sl st to top of ch3

So, after crochet last round, please pull out back to front. ↑
Now its so weaving but when you pull out all chains, it would be normal circle 🙂
Last, in this time I made edge 🙂
of course , just continue dc without chain, (but you have to pick up last round chain),
its also good like this which I made last time 🙂
Do you like it ? 😉